
1st Story A new life

The story will be about a teenager, who after his parents divorced when he was young, he stayed with his father. But one day, in a tragic accident, his dad dies.
    Alone and scared about his future, he receives a letter, explaining that after his father's death, his mom get’s full custody. In the letter there is a plane ticket and a address where he needs to move with his mother and sister.
    John Doe never met his mother or sister and now he wonders why his father never even mentioned them.
    To make the story shorter he gets to a nice house where he meets wonderful women (or what he thinks is wonderful), his mother. His sister seems shy and little weird but also very nice to him.
    But after a few days, he realizes that his mother is not just nice to him, but she starts to get more and more close to him, making him wonder who she really is.
    After walking uninvited in a room he realizes that his mother is actually a Dominatrix(at first he didn’t know what this means).
So the real story starts as mom dominating him more and more sexually, thinking that doing this he will submit to her wishes.
    But will he?

Genre: Domination, Submission, M/F, F/F, incest, forced, blackmail, Contemporary scene.
No battle system.

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